Submitted / In-preparation Papers
Submitted / In-preparation Papers
An asterisk (*) indicates the corresponding author.
[Under revision, 1st round] Soyoon Park, Seonmin Cho, Youngjae Choi, Seungeui Lee, Youngseok Bae, and Seongwook Lee*, "Integrated deep learning approach for simultaneous clutter removal and resolution enhancement in ISAR imaging", IEEE Access (SCIE)
[Under review, 2nd round] Jeong-Hoon Park, Doyoung Ham, Jeongsik Choi, Seongwook Lee, and Seong-Cheol Kim*, "Compressive sensing-based demultiplexing of fast-time CDM-MIMO PMCW radar signals for self-code interference cancellation", IEEE Internet of Things Journal (SCIE)
[Under review, 2nd round] Seungheon Kwak, Younghwan Chae, Minyoung Choi, Kyutae Park, Myoungha Kim, Hae-Seung Lim, Jae-Eun Lee, and Seongwook Lee*, "Improved accuracy of track-based integration of radar and vision sensors, IEEE Sensors Journal (SCIE)
[Under review, 1st round] Hwanhee Park, Jeong-Hoon Park, and Seongwook Lee*, "Improved radar imaging by mitigation of spatial-wideband effect in MIMO PMCW system", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (SCIE)
[Under review, 1st round] Jeong-Hoon Park, Jong-Ho Lee, Seongwook Lee, and Seong-Cheol Kim*, "ISI/ICI embracing low-complexity matched filters for OTFS radar using partial FFT", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (SCIE)
[Under review, 1st round] Gunhwi Moon, Seongwook Lee, Jeong-Hoon Park, Young-Jun Yoon, and Seong-Cheol Kim*, "Enhanced SAR image generation using ego-motion estimation based on ground-scatterers for automotive radar systems", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (SCIE)
[Under review, 1st round] Shinyoung Park, Hojung Lee, and Seongwook Lee*, "SAR-to-optical image translation using vision transformer-based CGAN", IEEE Sensors Journal (SCIE)
[Under review, 1st round] Seonmin Cho, Soyoon Park, Youngjae Choi, Seungeui Lee, Youngseok Bae, and Seongwook Lee*, "Joint clutter suppression and resolution enhancement of ISAR images using integrated neural networks", IEEE Sensors Letters (ESCI)
[In preparation] Junho Kim, Younghwan Chae, Minyoung Choi, Jeong-Hoon Park, Hae-Seung Lim, Jae-Eun Lee, and Seongwook Lee*, "Machine learning-based ghost target suppression in tunnels for traffic surveillance radar-camera systems"
[In preparation] Jeong-Hoon Park, Junho Kim, Gunhwi Moon, Seongwook Lee, and Seong-Cheol Kim*, "Hybrid TDM-DDM MIMO radar scheme for high-resolution point cloud generation of moving vehicles with resolving Doppler ambiguity"
[In preparation] Chanul Park, Jeong-Hoon Park, and Seongwook Lee*, "Efficient frame structure design of PMCW radar based on Golay sequence in 802.11ad preamble"